Who? Which? That? Huh?

Those who know me well know I’m an unabashed Grammar Nazi. I’ve even been called worse, and I wear all the disparaging, well-earned badges proudly. Grammar matters. It eases communication, making what you’re trying to say clearer. That’s the whole point of communication in the first place, is it not?

One of my pet peeves (other than the incessant overuse of cliches — I avoid them like the plague) is incorrect pronoun usage. There is a word for everything, and every word in its place. Pronouns stand for something, and it’s up to the writer to make it obvious who or what belongs to which pronoun. Mixing and matching only confuses things.

But what is the correct use? How do you know which one to use? Here is a fantastic little ditty from Maria Murnane from CreateSpace that clears it all up. Enjoy and learn!